Space Station


Today I will be creating a mini space station in 3DS max to show off the new tools I have learnt.  This will also help me to develop the skills that i have learnt and hopefully help me improve in 3DS max.

The surface 

I started by using a plane and the displace tool on it to give the moon an uneven surface. This makes the moon look more realistic and it adds detail to the moon like scene.1a

The main base

I then made the main area by using four cylinders as the struts. I then flattened a cylinder to make the main base. I also recoloured everything to make it fit in more with the moon scene.1b

Side Tunnel 

Then I worked on the rest of the station. I used a cylinder then used the bend tool and rotated it. This made it look like it was attached to the space station. I also but a sphere slightly into the ground to make it look like another area.


Satellite dish

I then decided to add some details to the space station to make it look a lot better. I then added a satellite dish to the top of the main area of my space station. I did this by adding a tube and a cone on top.



Overall this task helped me develop my 3DS max skills by using different tools to achieve a different effect. I can now use the tools that i have learnt in this task on future tasks to improve my work.





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