Researching games designers

I am researching the skill and qualifications employers look for in games designers. so that in the future i can see what i would need to get in the industry.

Whats needed 

Most companies are looking for at least two years of experience for any role as a games designer. They also all include that the applicant must have a published title out that they have worked on. they also require the applicant to have experience in the engine that they are using. What engine they want the applicant to have experience in can vary. This would make it more difficult to find a job for the specific engine you specialise in. They also require the applicant to be able to work as apart of a team of people. Also in most descriptions of what the job entails it requires the applicant to be passionate about what they do.

The different skills you need 

  • the rules of the game
  • the setting
  • story and characters
  • props such as weapons and vehicles
  • different ways the game may be played.
  • be creative, imaginative and original
  • be fluent in a number of software package
  • understand the market and target audience for computer games
  • have problem-solving skills
  • enjoy IT and playing computer games.


For being a games designer you can expect to be paid from around £19,000 to £55,000 a year. However this depends on what role you are in and how technical that role is. An example of this would be the difference between senior and junior game designers.

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