Creating game objects


Today I will be using new tools to make normal game objects. This will help me to use these new tools to create better things in 3DS max. This is a normal job for junior game designer in the industry. So this maybe good practise for me if I ever need to do this in the future.


First I used an edit poly on just a normal box this allowed me to use the different tools to create a generic box. First I used the inset tool to create the boxes on the outside of the box. All I then had to do was use the extrude tool with all the boxes selected and push them in.



I then decided to create a bin I achieved this by again using the edit poly tool. I used the inset tool to make to hole in the bin. Then I again used the extrude tools to make the inside of the bin.



I then made a bottle again using the edit poly tool on a cylinder. I used the normal move tool to round the top. I then used the extrude tool to make the top of the bottle. Then to finish the bottle off I rounded the top.



Overall this was a good test of my skills and it shows all I learned in 3DS max. Some of these normal game objects were harder to make than others because I struggled to make the bottle. Although, the game objects were relatively easy to make.







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