Adding texture’s to objects


Today I will be putting texture on to basic 3D game objects in 3DS max. I made some of these game objects earlier and then I decided to texture these objects in this lesson.


To add the texture to my container I first found the texture that I thought would fit the best out of a list. I then used the material editor tool and added my texture to my container.



For the box did the same thing as the container by going through and adding the texture. However, the box didn’t look as good as the container so I had to edit to make it look better. To do this I added a UVW Map and moved the texture around till I got a smoother texture on the outside.



To texture the bottle I found a texture that fit with the bottle. I then again used a UWV map to make the texture look good and then I turned down the opacity to make the bottle look a lot more realistic.

Texture bottle


Overall the skills that i have learnt from this task will aid me in future tasks. Texturing objects in 3DS max is a very important skill as it is a must in the industry.

































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