Unity Space Game


In this project I will be developing a 3D space game where the player has to survive as long as possible and get as many points as possible. I am using this project to develop my skills in unity.

Setting up 

I first started with an empty scene in unity. I then imported all the files I would need for this task. I also made sure that i had everything I needed and that it was all was where it was supposed to be. I also renamed some folders so that in the future it will be easier for me to find what I need.


First steps 

First of all I got the players ship and dragged it into the scene I then applied the texture to the ship and made sure it fits. I then added a rigid body and a collider to the players ship so that it would be able to interact with other things in the game. I then decided to add the jet coming out of the back of the ship. All I had to do was change it into a 2D sprite and then move it to the back of my ship and make sure that its in line with the players ship. To make my game look even better I decided to add a particle effect to the back of my ship.



Now that I had a player model I have to create a movement script so that I have the base of my game. The movement script is one of the easier scripts although it would I wanted to add other things to it to make it even better. But i worked on the movement scripts first as I thought it was more important. To make my game look more professional I added a tilt to my ship when it goes left or right. I did this because it makes my game look a bit more professional. I also had to test the ship a lot to make sure I got the right speed and tilt.



The next thing I added was shooting for my ship. I achieved this by first making my chosen bolt usable in unity. I did this by changing it into a material by simply putting changing a setting to an empty material and then I changed its shader type in another setting. This allowed me to get rid of the black background of my bolt and make it usable in unity. I then made a prefab of it so that it could be reused for multiple shots. I then set up the speed of my bolts and the fire rate of them I spent some time on this to get it just right. when I had done this I had to make sure that the bullets wouldn’t just keep going so I made boundaries. so that if a bullet leaves that area it will be deleted.



When I had finished my movement I had to add in boundaries for the player so they couldn’t just fly out of the play space. This was key to making the game be playable and enjoyable. To do this I had to make a cube the same size of my play space I then had to delete its mesh so it just showed its boundaries. I then made a new code to make it so that if any of the shots leave that area they will be destroyed and put that on my boundaries. To make it so the player cannot leave that area I had to add some lines of code to my player movement script. After I had dome this the player cannot leave this area so it more like the way I want it. I also added an audio script so that when the player shoots it will make a sound. This was easy to implement as it was only a few more lines of code in my player movement script.


Creating a scrolling background 

Next I added a scrolling background to my game. To do this I first had to get a quad and apply my game texture to it. After I added my texture I then had to copy my first quad and put it behind the original. I then made it a child object of the original quad. After that I created a new script and called it background. I then applied my finished script to my original quad. I then imputed the scroll speed and tile length into the open slots.












Weapon Research


In this task I will be researching different designs for a weapon that I will go on to make in 3DS max. This task allows me to show off my research skills and my skills in 3DS max. To get the ideas for the weapon i’m creating I used primary and secondary research. Primary research is when you use research that you have made. Examples include Questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. Whereas, secondary research is using research that already exists. Such as books and websites.

Mind map


MMI created a mind map to help me decide what idea I should use and to see what would fit the best with what I can do in 3DS max. Using my mind map I decided to make the hammer as I like the design of these weapons in a fantasy setting. I also think that it would be within my skill set to make a good looking hammer in 3DS Max.

Mood board 



I then created a mood board based off my ideas for the hammer to do this I used different images from google. These images gave me inspiration for my hammer by choosing what style I could do.

My designs

I have concluded that i’m making a hammer that has a fantasy design and a large handle so it can be a two handed weapon. The feedback that I got suggested that I have a larger handle and make it a fantasy style weapon. I took this feedback on board when I was looking for images on my mood board with different styles. I went through many different designs and finally settled on one of them.

I tried a few different types of hammer and different designs of that hammer. I finally settled on one type of hammer and then I just had to decide on what the design of the hilt and hammer. Although, the hammer I finally chose didn’t resemble some of my mood board hammer style I still used their style in my final design. Here are some of my early designs that I worked on.


These were my original designs that I based off one or two designs in my mood board. I decided not to do these designs as I thought they did not look good. However I did take ideas from them because I did like the way the hilt looked. I then changed the style of my hammer completely using ideas from my mood board.


I liked this design a lot better than my previous one because it was a lot more interesting than my other design and looked even better. Although,  I still struggled with what to put on my new hammer design because I wanted it to look better and be a bit more complicated in design. I then chose my final design out of all of my ideas and coloured my design.


I coloured my final design and I am really happy with how it looks. I have decided that this is the way it will look in 3DS max. Overall I happy with the design and colouring I went with in the end.IMG_0093

After finishing my final design I decided to make a to scale drawing of my weapon. This is to show how big it would be if it were real. This helps me to visualise my hammer by seeing it in scale.


Overall I am happy with the design of my hammer and making the mood boards really helped me as I drew inspiration from their different styles. This was key to my hammer design as I thought about doing lots of different design. I am now ready to start making my hammer in 3DS max.





2D Maze Game


I am using the UFO games code to help me make a new game. I have decided that this game will be a 2D maze puzzle game. I have chosen this type of game as i feel that its within my skills to create.

Ideas and Design 

For this game i would like i verity of different things for the player to encounter to make the game more interesting. I also want to put a system in place that would make the user be put into another level. In the future i may add in collectables to make the game re-playable. However, this would be on of the last things i do as their are more important things to do.

The design of my game will be like an ancient tomb that an adventurer ( The player ) will be looking for loot in. They have to avoid skeletons and other creatures to collect their loot and escape to a lower level via a whole in the floor hidden in the maze.


I created this game by using my existing UFO game and changing the sprites to make it more like a 2D Maze game like I intended in my design. I also changed the background  to fit my theme of a maze game.

1A.PNGAfter I already had the base game I first began work on the design of my level. For my first level I made a tutorial like level to introduce the player into the game by showing them the basics in a straight foreword level. I also added some traps which will hurt the player if the touches them then they will lose some of their health.



In this project I was very ambitious about what I wanted to achieve. Although, I did not reach all of my goals I was happy with the ideas that I came up with but in the end I ran out of time.

Making a sword

Today i made a sword in 3DS Max this helped me develop my skills in 3DS Max as i worked with new tools like the spline tool.

first i made the handle by extruding after using the line tool this allowed me to create the handle i wanted. i then used chamfer to make it look more like a sword. i then did the same thing with the blade but i didn’t use the chamfer tool as i thought that the blade should be pointy.
