2D Maze Game


I am using the UFO games code to help me make a new game. I have decided that this game will be a 2D maze puzzle game. I have chosen this type of game as i feel that its within my skills to create.

Ideas and Design 

For this game i would like i verity of different things for the player to encounter to make the game more interesting. I also want to put a system in place that would make the user be put into another level. In the future i may add in collectables to make the game re-playable. However, this would be on of the last things i do as their are more important things to do.

The design of my game will be like an ancient tomb that an adventurer ( The player ) will be looking for loot in. They have to avoid skeletons and other creatures to collect their loot and escape to a lower level via a whole in the floor hidden in the maze.


I created this game by using my existing UFO game and changing the sprites to make it more like a 2D Maze game like I intended in my design. I also changed the background  to fit my theme of a maze game.

1A.PNGAfter I already had the base game I first began work on the design of my level. For my first level I made a tutorial like level to introduce the player into the game by showing them the basics in a straight foreword level. I also added some traps which will hurt the player if the touches them then they will lose some of their health.



In this project I was very ambitious about what I wanted to achieve. Although, I did not reach all of my goals I was happy with the ideas that I came up with but in the end I ran out of time.

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