Weapon Research


In this task I will be researching different designs for a weapon that I will go on to make in 3DS max. This task allows me to show off my research skills and my skills in 3DS max. To get the ideas for the weapon i’m creating I used primary and secondary research. Primary research is when you use research that you have made. Examples include Questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. Whereas, secondary research is using research that already exists. Such as books and websites.

Mind map


MMI created a mind map to help me decide what idea I should use and to see what would fit the best with what I can do in 3DS max. Using my mind map I decided to make the hammer as I like the design of these weapons in a fantasy setting. I also think that it would be within my skill set to make a good looking hammer in 3DS Max.

Mood board 



I then created a mood board based off my ideas for the hammer to do this I used different images from google. These images gave me inspiration for my hammer by choosing what style I could do.

My designs

I have concluded that i’m making a hammer that has a fantasy design and a large handle so it can be a two handed weapon. The feedback that I got suggested that I have a larger handle and make it a fantasy style weapon. I took this feedback on board when I was looking for images on my mood board with different styles. I went through many different designs and finally settled on one of them.

I tried a few different types of hammer and different designs of that hammer. I finally settled on one type of hammer and then I just had to decide on what the design of the hilt and hammer. Although, the hammer I finally chose didn’t resemble some of my mood board hammer style I still used their style in my final design. Here are some of my early designs that I worked on.


These were my original designs that I based off one or two designs in my mood board. I decided not to do these designs as I thought they did not look good. However I did take ideas from them because I did like the way the hilt looked. I then changed the style of my hammer completely using ideas from my mood board.


I liked this design a lot better than my previous one because it was a lot more interesting than my other design and looked even better. Although,  I still struggled with what to put on my new hammer design because I wanted it to look better and be a bit more complicated in design. I then chose my final design out of all of my ideas and coloured my design.


I coloured my final design and I am really happy with how it looks. I have decided that this is the way it will look in 3DS max. Overall I happy with the design and colouring I went with in the end.IMG_0093

After finishing my final design I decided to make a to scale drawing of my weapon. This is to show how big it would be if it were real. This helps me to visualise my hammer by seeing it in scale.


Overall I am happy with the design of my hammer and making the mood boards really helped me as I drew inspiration from their different styles. This was key to my hammer design as I thought about doing lots of different design. I am now ready to start making my hammer in 3DS max.





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