Reflection and Evaluation

Week 20/04/2018

This week I worked on the proposal, context and started to research my project. In my proposal, I decided on creating my game based on the great wall of China as a tower defense game. I’m very happy with idea as I feel that this is within my skill range and I can develop the project while including interesting mechanics. In my context, I wrote about why I’m doing this project and included some of my aims for the project. I’m happy with the amount of time I spent on this part of my project as I finished it with spare time to work on my research. Some feedback I got on my project was to look into making my game 3D instead of 2D. Which I did and was very happy with how the game would looking 3D appose to a 2D game. I also looked into some tutorials on making a tower defence game that could help me when I create my game. As I think its very important to have this planned out so that when I create my game I do not have to spend too long looking for help while coding.


This week I worked on and finished the research for my game. In my research I decided to make a 3D game like the feedback I last week suggested I do. I found making my game 3D worked well with the art style I want to do. While doing the research for my game I decided on the art style, theme, camera angle and the type of tower defence game. I also used a verity of research methods like mood-boards and surveys to decided on  what I was going to do in my game. Because I started on my research early I had more time to spend on doing more research which will help me later on. I think all of my research will be useful when it comes to creating my game because I then know exactly what I need to do. I got some more feedback on my research and that was to include more mood boards and images to help show what I’m talking about.


This week I worked on my concept art and design of my models. My concept art was very simple. So, it did not take me very long and I could  spend this extra time on making my models better. I also had some problems with my voxel art as it was pointed out to me all of my art wasn’t the same size. So, I had to remake some assets to follow this style and the voxel art style turned out to be very time consuming. But I’m very happy with how my my assets look and I think they will look very good when in game. As I was creating my assets I was told to look at mixamo for my animations as it will do them for me. I also had some feedback to check and develop my research as I had not looked at some aspects of my research.


This week I finished designing my assets and I created a base for my level. Originally I thought that the voxel style would be simple to do. It turns out that this style is very time consuming and is hard to get right. Especially when in unity it was very hard to create my level as I had to line up all of my assets. But the overall style looks great when in my game and fits perfectly with what I aimed to do in my game. I originally created a basic level design but I got some feedback to make my level more complicated. So I decided to layer my level by having the path on the lowest of the levels and layer it up around the path. Although this was time consuming I think it was worth it as it looks great in my game. I got some more feedback to make the design of my assets more complicated and detailed. Even though the game looks simple it has a very detailed voxel style. So I redid some of my assets to make them look better in this style.


This week I continued designing by changing the layout and started to code my game. I’m very happy with how the game is coming along as the design looks great. The design of the game is relatively simple looking but it was very time consuming to create so I had less time than I would have liked to code my game. I am struggling with the coding as its a lot more complex compared to my previous projects. But using various things online to help me with my code has really helped me to catch up with my time plan. I got some feedback about some bugs that people found when testing in my game relating to my turrets not firing properly. But I managed to fix this issue by changing my bullet prefabs spawn point. It was very useful to have other people test my game to find bugs that I may have not seen. I am still on track with my project but I may not get all the mechanics that I would like to have. But the functionality is not vital to my game but would improve the overall quality of the game. The coding of the game is what is really slowing me down as I have to do lots of complex systems.


This week I did my design document and continued to code features to my game. I’m very happy that I got time to add more interesting mechanics to it. The coding of these mechanics was difficult but I managed to do it using stuff online. If I had more time to complete this project I would have spent it getting more mechanics in such as the various enemy types as I think it would have definitely improved the overall quality of the game. I got some feedback to add various enemy types and I’m happy with this change. At this stage in the project, I’m adding the finishing touches to my game and making sure there are as little bugs as possible. I also got some people to test out my game and help me balance it as I was having trouble with making the game fair and beatable. To balance my game I just had to adjust some settings to achieve this.


Throughout my project, I stayed on time and managed to create my game to a good quality. So I’m very happy with my project overall as I think I have finished it to the best of the time I was given. Feedback from other people was very helpful when creating my game as they gave me ideas and helped test my game. An example of this was when I got feedback to have a layered level.  Some other feedback I got was to adjust some of the prices of my turrets so that the game was fairer.

Here are some of the problems I encountered when creating my game. One problem I had was the coding. I struggled to code some of my mechanics as the codes were a lot more complicated than I expected. To fix these problems I researched them and learned from various websites on how to code some of my mechanics. Another problem I encountered when creating my game was that I spent a lot of time on my research when I should have started my assets earlier. This meant that I didn’t have as much time as I needed later on in the project. I also ran out of time so I was unable to fix some bugs that my game had. Such as when you play the actual version of the game the user interface is in the wrong places.

One thing that went well in my project was the design of my assets as I thought they looked really great and worked well with the style of my game. Although I spent a long time creating them I felt that it was worth it as the assets look great in the game. Although I spent more time than I would have liked on researching my game I think it really helped to look back at when creating my game.



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