Map designs


I will create some basic designs for my environment. I will use these designs when I’m creating my block out to make sure that I’m sticking to my idea.



This is a very basic design for my environment that I sketched so not everything is to scale of how I would have it in my level. I plan to have an airlock entrance way to a corridor around a meeting room in the centre. I would then add another room with a staircase that goes down to an engine room. The player that would get a key card and would go back through the level to the bridge of the ship.


My next design is a more developed version of my first design. I decided to add more turns and alternative paths for the player to take. This level also involves a little more story as I have the player start on the bridge with warning lights going off. The aim of the player is to get to the escape pods. To get into the escape pods the player first has to get a key from the engine room and go back to get in the escape room. I thought that my other design was too straightforward so I added some twists and turns. I think this overall improves my level and adds some more complexity to it.

I have decided to go with my second design as I think I can complete my design in the time I have and end up with a good environment. Whereas with my other design I may have a simple environment with some detail. If I have extra time at the end of this project I will spend it adding additional detail and some extra rooms.


This would be the final design that I will use when creating the environment. I have shown some of the assets that I will add to my environment. However, this designs may change slightly when I start blocking it out because somethings might work better in other places.

Room MAP.png

I then decided to do an updated version that fits with the current design of my environment. This allows me to get an updated perspective on my environment and helps me to see what else I can add to the level. I colour coded it to make sure that I knew what was what.


Overall, I’m happy with the layout I have created for my level because I think it will be interesting to play and create. I found that my first design was too boring so I felt that I had to create I new design based off of my original design.

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