Block out


Before I can start creating my level I first need to create a block out version of my level. A block out is key for my environment as it allows me to test out the scale of my level. So when I’m creating my level I can use the scale I used for my block out to create my assets. I will use my project rational to help me see what I need to put in each room to create my blockout.

Block out 

blockout 3

I first started by making the large boxes that will make up my environment. I added subtracts inside of my objects and made sure that the floor was all on the same level. I did struggle with getting this exactly correct but I did manage to get it all right. This allowed me to move some things around and make some adjustment to the sizes of my rooms. When I was happy with the base layout of my environment I could then add detail inside of each room.

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I first started to plan out the detail in the bridge. This would be the place where the player starts so it was key to make this room look good as it would be the first thing the player would see. I started by creating the place that would be for the captain. I then started adding the other desks and found that the room looked a bit plane. So I decided to make the other desks on a lower platform. I found this made the room a lot more interesting. I decided to go with standard lighting but I added some extra lighting in the lower areas as I found it was a little too dark.

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I then created the next room the player would encounter the meeting room. The meeting room is a room inside a room. I like this idea of a meeting room in the centre of another room. I could add more interesting mechanics based around this centre room but this would not be a priority for me. There is also a lot of room for smaller background assets that add detail to my environment. For the centre room, I wanted to have just too bright lights to light up the room. I found that this was quite effective at keeping the room light enough.

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I then created the engine room this will be a key part of my environment as this is where the key for the escape room will be. I plan to have a large engine sat at the back of the room. I also thought It would look better if I have a small gap and have a fence around my engine. I like having a gap in between the engine as it gives the room some depth. I also wanted the engine room to look a bit messy so I decided to add random barrels and boxes in the room to give it this messy feel. I liked to have this room a little darker compared to the rest of the ship as it keeps with the messy feel to the engine room.

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This is my escape pod room and it will be the end of my environment. I decided to have the escape pods mounted to the wall and the player on a walkway. I then had trouble with deciding what to put below my walkway. In the end, I decided to put stacks of boxes and barrels in there. Like the engine, I decided I wanted this room darker. But I did have troubles with the area underneath the walkway as it was too dark so I added lots of lights. But I then found that It made the lighting look too bright. So I significantly reduced the number of lights in the lower area. I may change this room at a later stage when I get the rest of my assets in my environment.

part 2

I then refined the game-play of my environment by reducing the length of the corridors and adding more background objects. I got feedback on my level and this gave me some helpful advice that I then implemented. The feedback suggested that I reduce the size of the corridors to make my environment more interesting. I also had to remove some escape pods from my escape pod room as they didn’t make any sense to have.


Overall I’m very happy with the final design of my block out as I think It will work well when I add all of my assets. Creating a block of my environment will help me when I’m creating my assets as I can perfect my scale in my block out. Creating a block out also allowed me to develop my original design and make it more interesting. The lighting in my environment was a harder task than I first anticipated as it was hard to get it just right. I think that most of the lighting in my environment is good but I may change it when all the assets are in.

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