

In this task I created a survey to see what style of game people would like. It is key to see if there is a market for my game if I were to release it. It would be useful to me to see if people would be interested in my game.


survey 1

I first asked what are peoples favourite art style is this will show me what is popular. From the responses I got, I found that the most popular art style is realistic. This is good for me as I planned to do a more realistic looking environment for my game. The other art styles would be easier to do but I’m sticking to what people thought I should do. The only problem that I will have with this art style is finding textures for my assets as It will take a long time to find the right textures for my environment.

survey 2

The next question I asked was if people like music in their games. I found that most people prefer music in the game compared to atmospheric noises. This may be difficult for me as I may not have time to add in music. As I want to prioritise getting my environment to look good first. But if I do have extra time I will definitely add it at the end. If I were to add music I would add more atmospheric music would work best for my environment. I don’t want the music to takeaway from the feel of the game so atmospheric music would defiantly work for the type of environment I’m making.

survey 3

My final question was to see what type of level people like. I was surprised by the outcome of this question as I didn’t expect the results to be this close. The path based level was put the highest and I’m happy with this as it fits a sci-fi theme. It also allows me to add bits on to my level with small branching paths. Path based levels are also good as if I have more time I will add more onto the end of my levels like the branching path.


Overall, I’m happy with the results of the surveys as the results are the same as some of the ideas I had. I’m happy with doing a realistic art style even though it might be quite hard to do. Adding music to my environment isn’t important but I thought that it would be important if I have time to add it in the end. The path based level is a good level layout for me as it allows me to easily add things to it.

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