Asset Designs


In this post, I will work on creating some basic asset designs and then I’ll show off my finished designs at the end. This will allow me to better show the progression of my designs and will help me to develop them further.


I then created some basic drawings for some of my enemies and my player. I used my mood board for some ideas for them to help me come up with unique designs. I wanted to have my enemies that fit with the style of my game and that are different enough from each other.

I first created some enemies for my game as I wanted to get some good ideas for them before I start making my game. I decided to base some of my enemies off of things that you would find in the body. I think this makes my game a lot less generic by having more unique enemies for my game. I also think it adds to the unique style of my game and that is a good selling point of my game.


I then did some designs for my character using the reference images I have to help. I decided on one of my ideas that I came up for my research for my character. For my main character, I want them to be unique as I had come up with a good backstory for them in my research. The character is the main part of my game so it especially needs to be well designed and well thought out.

I then made some assets for my other background assets. I just wanted to come up with some general ideas for my assets that I could use. I started by making some designs for my spikes, projectiles, and keys. I had some troubles with making some of these fit with the theme of my game. But I managed to make them fit with the style in the end by looking at some reference images.

I finally made some assets for my ground and walls for my game. This is a key part as it sets the whole style of my game. I started by creating one basic ground asset that I then could adapt for different sections of my game by re-colouring them to fit with each part. This will save me a lot of time and allow me to focus on getting some more things in my game.

I then did make some animations for my characters using photoshop and unity. I then made slight adjustments to my original design to make a running animation for my characters. This was quite a time-consuming process but when I got the hang of it didn’t take me too long to do.


I then made some extra enemies that I would put into a certain level in my game. I wanted these enemies to still be like my other types of enemies. But athletically I wanted these enemies to be unique and I’m really happy with how they turned out.


Overall I think this post went well as I came up with some good designs that I can use to help me later on in the project. I did have some troubles with making my assets fit the style of the game. This is a very important aspect as my game would look like a mess if it all didn’t fit together.

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