

In this post, I will create a survey based on things from my game and show the results of it. I’m doing this to see if people like my idea and would want this game to be made. This allows me to change some ideas based on the feedback I receive.


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The first survey that I did was asking people what art style I should do for my game. This is an important survey for my game as this is what will attract players to my game. The top result for my survey was the pixel art style. I was very happy with this result as I think that the pixel art style looks great and works well with a 2D platformer. I also think that I could do this art style with the limited time I have to oppose to the others. I also included some images to show the people taking the survey so they knew exactly what I was talking about.


Having a look at these other platformers will help me with some references that I can use for my game. By looking at these other popular platforming games I can get some more ideas for my game. By using some ideas from popular games it may help me to develop and improve my ideas. It also allows me to see what type of platformer games are particularly popular.


I thought about adding some background music in my game so I decided to ask if people would like some music in my game. I think that some upbeat music would work well in my game and improve my game. However, this isn’t a priority in my game as I would like to get most of my game done first before I add details like music.

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I then did a survey on whether or not I should have abilities or weapons in my game. I haven’t quite thought about what abilities I would put into my game but I definitely agree with the survey. I think it would work well to have some abilities with cooldowns that the player would use instead of some basic weaponry.  I think it would be quite unique to have abilities rather than generic weaponry.

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I finally asked if people would like power-ups or upgrades in the game. I think that it might work quite well if I had power-ups in my game because it would add something extra to my game. I feel the game might get a bit boring so these things might add some new ways to enjoy it and make it more interesting.


Overall I’m happy with the results of my survey as it allowed me to see what players will like in my game. This is key because it will improve players experience if I add or change some of the things they suggest. I did have a couple of problems when creating this survey as I had to come up with some questions that would work.

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