Character Research


In this post, I will do some research into what my player could look like and what abilities/weapons they could use. I will create mood boards and mind maps to help me to present my ideas.


mood board 1.PNG

I first started by looking at some unique character designs so that I could get some ideas for my character. I liked the idea of having a unique character that I could then make an interesting background for. I also don’t want my game to have a serious tone so I could make a more wacky character. Because the designing aspect of my game is a priority so the look of the game isn’t as important to me. But I still want it to look good without spending too much time on it without losing time for my design work.

After the results of my survey that suggested that I have abilities instead of weapons in my game. I now need to look into different abilities that I could use in my game. I’ll look into different games abilities and see if I could use them in my game.


So I created a mindmap to show all of my ideas and this would help me to look at some good ideas to put in my game. I really liked some of the ideas for the abilities I came up with. I think I could definitely add some of these abilities to my game but I don’t want to add too many as it may become a bit confusing. I also liked the ideas for the design of my character. In the game, I want to make a more wakey character that would make my game more interesting and unique. Finally, I needed a good backstory for my character so I came up with some interesting ones. I really liked the idea of the player fighting the monster from within.

In the end, I’ve decided on having my game set inside a monster. I think I could do a lot with this backstory in terms of art and interesting mechanicians. As I said before I do like the idea of a wacky character so I decided to have the character’s backstory be that he was raised by a traffic cone.


Overall I think this went really well as I got lots of ideas that I could use later on in my game. I did struggle when I had to come up with some of my ideas as I wanted to make sure I had some good ideas. But I did manage to decide on the final backstory for my character/game. Having a good concept and backstory to a game is key because it can be engaging for players to explore and learn about.

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