Game Flow Charts


In this post, I will create some flow charts for my game that I can use to show different elements of my game. I will also create a beat chart to show how long it will take the player to beat each part of my game.

Game flow charts 


I first wanted to show how all of my levels would lead to each other. This was a good idea to help me see how I could show what levels I could do. I wanted to make it simple and easy to understand what the player would have to do. The first starting level of my game will be set in the stomach and will be the introduction to the game. At the end of this, the player will get a key and learn that they need all of the keys to unlock the final boss. The player can then chose any level they want but they will have to get a key from each of them. Then once the player has collected every key they will fight the final boss and beat the game.


I then made a flowchart for where each of my buttons in my UI will go and what they will do.  This will be very helpful for me later on when I need to know exactly where each button leads. Now that I have this It will save me time later on in the project when I’m setting up my UI.

Beat Chart

Beat chart new

This is my beat chart which shows how long each section of my game will approximately take to complete. This allows me to see how long the player should take on each section so I can see if I should extend or reduce certain parts of my game. So this will help me to see improve the flow of my game and it makes sure that my game will be interesting for the player throughout.


Overall this post will be very useful to me later on in the project as I can look back on them to help later on. I did struggle with making my beat chart as I had to make sure that it looked good and was easy to understand. But I did manage to make one that I was happy with in the end.

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