Personal Statement

I’m applying for this course not because of my love for games but for my love for games design. During my current games design course, I realised I have always been fascinated with games design from a young age. Even when playing the simplest of games, I found myself thinking of creative ways to improve them. This has only helped me to push myself to peruse a career in the games industry.

During my current course, I have gained a lot of experience in lots of different software like 3D Max, Unity, Unreal engine and photoshop. My experience in this different software will help me to study games design at a university level. In addition to this, I have created some of my own games and environments this helped me to improve my skills in various programs. Being able to utilize this software effectively will help me a lot in the future and help me to develop my skills further. Also, during my current course, I have progressed how I work with my peers effectively which is a key skill to have. Already having experience in these areas will help me to build off them and further improve my quality of work.

In addition, during my current course, I especially enjoyed producing my own games as that was the first time, I have had a chance to do it. This allowed me to become more creative when making my game as I had to base my game around the theme given to me. The time constraint I had on my projects also created an extra challenge for me as I had to make my game small enough to not take up all my time but have an interesting design to keep players engaged. I also enjoyed creating 3d models in 3ds Max because I liked being able to base my models off real things and trying to recreate them. Added challenges to my work only push me to continue to develop my ideas and create new ones. The challenges that I have got in my current course will help me to continue my education. It has made me want to peruse a career in the games industry even more as I have enjoyed finding creative solutions to these problems.

My Saturday job in which I set up equipment for outdoor events has helped me to stick to the deadline and helped me to become more organized. This job allowed me to meet a range of different people, and it gave me lots of experience working with a team to meet a deadline. I also had to learn how to direct customers and tell them how to use the equipment. I have used all the experience I have gained from this job in my current studies. The experience I have gained has been extremely valuable to me, and I will take this experience forward into university.

In my spare time between projects, I create other projects for myself not to just challenge myself but to help me develop my skills further. This helped me to improve my skills it has helped me to build a credible portfolio of my work. Also, during my spare time, I like to read as it helps me to come up with new ideas and develop my existing ideas. Sports like football help me to build my teamwork skills. It also helps me to be more sociable. Socializing is important to me as I get to meet new people. Also, when playing games, I have always liked to add and modify games I’m playing to enrich my experience.

My use of lots of different software in my current course confirms that I’m suited to continue to study at a higher level. I’m especially looking forward to creating more models and improve my 3D modelling skills. My experiences in these various areas will help me to create better games in the future.