
Final Major Project

This is the pitch for my project showing off all the ideas I’ve had and which idea I would like to take forward. This allowed me to look through a range of different game ideas and helped me to finally decide on my final game idea. This means that I can have the best possible idea for my game before I start the actual project.

Candidate Name Max Thorpe
Pathway Game Development
Project Title Final Major project
Section 1:  Rationale 
Throughout the previous units, I have developed my skills in Unity significantly as I have done lots of work in it. I now know lots more about the engine and how to use a different tool within it. Before this course, I knew almost nothing about Unity and how to use it. Creating projects for these units has allowed me to also improve some of my art skills as well as Unity so these were very useful to me.

I also developed some skills in the Unreal engine during one of my other projects. It’s important that I know more than just one engine as this gives me a wider range of experience and skills in different areas. My Unreal skills aren’t as good as my Unity skills as I haven’t had as much experience using this engine. But In the future, I would like to work on Unreal more as I would like to have good knowledge of both engines.

I want to focus on the design section of my game as I found that creating interesting mechanics was the part, I most enjoyed about game design. That’s why my long-term aspiration is to become a games designer.

Section 2: Project Concept 
For this project, I have been looking at a variety of different ideas for my game. It’s important to look at lots of different game ideas so that I can have the best possible idea for my game. It also allows me to make sure that my idea would be achievable.

The first Idea I had was to create a game where the player would collect parts then build a robot to fight a boss. But I quickly realised this was a little too ambitious as I would need lots of complicated codes. I then moved on to thinking about creating a 2D platformer set inside of the monster. Where the player would go to different parts of the body to collect keys and unlock the heart to kill it. I really liked this Idea as it wasn’t too complicated but was a good concept for a game. My last idea was to create a city builder game set in medieval time. I decided that this Idea would be very code based and I don’t really want to focus on this. I would like to focus more on making more interesting mechanics.  

Throughout this project, I will use every resource available to me to ensure my project is good. I will use some tutorials during the creation of my game as I’m not sure how to do some things in my project.

Section 3: Evaluation 
I plan to show my progress throughout my project by writing about what I’ve done each week on my WordPress site. I will also include some pictures of what I’ve done. This helps me too keep up with my project and would show the progression of my project effectively. I will also show changes I make throughout and some development in my project. In this project, I will work with my peers to give feedback on some of my work. I feel this would positively impact my work as their feedback could be very useful when testing some areas of my game. I plan to get lots of feedback from different people to make sure some of the changes are what people want. I don’t want to change all my game based on one person’s feedback.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography     

I will use this website to create surveys for various things about my game. This will help me a lot during the research of my game as I could see what players like about my game.

I will use this website to get some data on some games similar to mine. This would help me to see what games have done well.

I will use this website to help me look for games in a similar genre to mine. This way I can learn and show some more information about these games.

I will use this website to plan out my project and set deadlines for myself throughout the project. This should help me with my time management and allows me to clearly see what I need to do.